Seize your golden ticket, step into the spotlight of success, and elevate your coaching business to unprecedented heights as an exclusive Insider of the Be Seen Society ELEVATE program - YOUR TIME IS NOW!

Ignite The Power Of Intentional Marketing

12- week IMMERSION to take your business to the NEXT LEVEL

You may be finding yourself in a place where...
Despite investing in multiple programs and trainings, you're not seeing the success you envisioned.

You're overwhelmed with information but struggling with implementation.

You're ready for a pivot, but fear and uncertainty are holding you back.

During the 12-weeks you'll have access to...

  • Personal Guidance

Work weekly 1:1 with Pam to design your true north destination, stay on track, and quickly move out of any emotional saboteurs that pop up.

  • The Hub

A private Telegram Collective will serve as the M-F daily hub for your questions, copy, and page reviews. No more second guessing or waiting for a weekly Q&A call.

  • The Library

Access to an ever-growing resource portal , your treasure trove of content and quick action templates.

  • Pop-Up Coaching & Co-Creation Zoom Rooms

Stay current with trends in the popup coaching & co-working/creation calls on Zoom.

AND....a monthly After Hours call on Zoom to kick back with your favorite beverage snag some laughter, share your wins, and just socialize with other CEOs who get it.

here's what others are saying...

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